Indie Author Spotlight

As often as possible, Indie Hero will feature an Indie Author. If interested, please submit the following:


– Author name / book title

– a brief bio

– book purchase links

– social media links: twitter, facebook, etc.

– Responses to the following questions:

  1. Why did you decide to go indie and self-publish? What was the process like for you?
  2. How do you market/promote/advertise? What’s been successful and what hasn’t?
  3. What advice would you give to an author who’s trying to decide between traditional publishing and independent?
  4. When/how did you realize that you wanted to be a writer?
  5. Most indie authors have day jobs. How has your current or previous employment informed your writing?
  6. Do you have any favorite authors and do they influence your writing?
  7. Anything else readers should know about you?


Please send (just the info listed above) to indieheroblog at gmail dot com

subject: Indie Author Spotlight Submission

Images and additional information will be requested as needed.

Thank you.

6 thoughts on “Indie Author Spotlight

  1. Pingback: Indie Author Spotlight – Nathaniel Dean James | Indie Hero

  2. Pingback: Indie Author Spotlight – Richard Fulco | Indie Hero

  3. Heya, I’ve just written a top tips guide to persuasive writing in charities, which includes interviews from top dogs at charities like Oxfam and Save the Children as well as copywriting gurus from the world of marketing. I went to John Hunt publishers with it who accepted it for the first round but declined it when I sent in the full submission – now struggling to know what to do next. Any advice on non-fiction publishers, or if self publishing is the best option how I learn how to do that on a minimal budget? Bit overwhelmed as this is not an area I know anything about – any direction you can point me in would be very gratefully received! Thank you 🙂


  4. It’s great of you to try to help out other Indie authors. I’ve just started doing the same myself, although I’m not a writer so much as a bookseller. That is, I work in a bookstore, I like to connect readers with books, and I see the changing trends in publishing. In the past I’ve helped out local self published authors, but I started learning WordPress last October to be able to reach Indie authors online. I’ve met some other wonderful people who are authors and are trying to help others via their blogs. Thanks for paying it forward and helping others as you’ve been helped!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Connie, what you are doing is of great value to the indie author. As you know, bookstore placements are very difficult for those in our community to get. I have been displayed in a couple of local stores that “sell” shelf space to self-published authors but that comes without any sort of direct recommendation. Keep up the good work.

      Liked by 2 people

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