
Brian Marggraf has been writing fiction since the fourth grade. His first completed piece: a story about dragons, castles, and knights. Derivative, yes, but at age ten that’s ok. In 2002, he graduated from San Francisco State University’s creative writing program. His work has been published in Transfer Magazine and The Olive Tree Review. Dream Brother, his debut novel, was released in January 2014. He grew up in Ventura County, California, and now lives in New York City.

769 thoughts on “About

  1. Thanks for the visit, and now that I’m following, I’ll have plenty of time to catch up on all the amazing stuff I’ve just caught my first glance at. That’s a pretty great bio, you’ve led a very productive life, and it looks like this is just the beginning. Congratulations and kudos, I’ll be reading you later.


  2. Thanks for following my blog. I love your focus on indie publishing. I’ll definitely be submitting something to you for your spotlight, having just published my first book of poetry. Self publishing was definitely the way to go for me! Peace, Linda


  3. Hello, Brian. Many thanks for visiting my blog today, reading a poem and now following my blog. That means a great deal to me, having other writers visit now and then. Your blog looks very interesting as does your book, which I intend to order through Kindle. Best wishes, Mary.


  4. Brian, I wanted to thank you for following my blog – I hope it is of help to you. And congrats on your novel success this year with Dream Brother. Would love to write my own book someday. Happy New Year to you.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Thanks for a Great 2014 | The Irresponsible Reader

  6. Dear Brian, you clever writer person you! Today I found out i had 100 crazy followers & you are one of my personal favourites. & that made me smile as I am not very important or clever person. It’s also Valentine’s Day in this part of the universe. SO I thought i’d write and say a huge thank you personally for your support and for finding some interest in my thoughts and what i write. And as its valentines day, i hope you find yourself surrounded by pleasure and fun and lots of crazy happy love! from one human to another! 🙂

    Thank you,


  7. Thank you for checking out and following our blog. I apologize it took a while to get over here. My intention was to work with my students and now I realize how much amazing talent abounds. You are a gifted writer. I look forward to many more excellent reads.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Just wanted to say thanks for having followed my creative blog. I will be focusing more of my time and attention on my other blogs, such as my photo blog at enjoycreation.wordpress.com, and will be deleting the ilovebeingartsy blog soon. Thank you again for the follow, and God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Hi, Brian. I really love following your blog and reading your posts. So I’ve taken this opportunity to nominate you for the “Dragon’s Loyalty Award”. You can find the guidelines for accepting the award at https://cinesolace.wordpress.com/2015/05/04/i-won-the-dragons-loyalty-award-for-a-second-time/

    If you accept blogging awards, please do accept this award as a token of the immense satisfaction I get from following your blog and reading your different posts. Your blog is truly eloquent, informative, and succeeds in making a connection with your readers. The other useful blogs your posts have directed me towards is another added incentive.

    I know it takes a long time to complete the guidelines for accepting an award. So if you don’t believe in accepting blogging awards, I totally understand. Any which way, it is and always will be a pleasure following your blog.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi
    Just a short note to say that ‘Sneak Peek’ will be moving shortly, once the new website is ready.
    The current WordPress blog will remain, at least for a transitional period, to allow all Sneak Peeks ‘followers’ the chance to follow/subscribe to the new site.
    The new Sneak Peek will have a ‘Readers Club’ where Members will be offered great benefits, such as advance book previews & pre-order opportunities, free gifts, discounted books, invitations to online events, access to our Authors directory and much, much more.
    I hope you will join us there and become a ‘Readers Club Member’, its FREE to join which makes it even better!
    If you would like to join us, please send your email by reply and I will notify you as soon as the new site goes ‘LIVE’.
    Many thanks, Paul White of Sneak Peek.

    Liked by 1 person

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