$0.99 – Dream Brother: A Novel – Kindle Ebook (until 3/18/16)

“Dreams are just nightmares that haven’t turned yet.”

The Amazon Kindle version of Dream Brother is $0.99 until midnight, March 18, 2016. Here’s the link:

Amazon US


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$0.99 – Dream Brother: A Novel – Kindle Ebook (until 3/18/16)

“Meth, memories, and monsters.”

The Amazon Kindle version of Dream Brother is $0.99 until midnight, March 18, 2016. Here’s the link:

Amazon US


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Indie Bookseller Deathmatch: Singulus Books vs. The Strand

Obviously, I’m going to lose.

I just hope to pick off a few (like 100) of their customers.


Singulus Books is open today, 10/25, from 9:30am to 6:00pm.

Location: A sidewalk near The Strand Book Store in Union Square

828 Broadway, New York, NY 10003


Publisher's Weekly Celebrates The Strand's 80 Years


Singulus Books – open today, 10am-6pm, 80th and B’way, NYC

Singulus Books has popped up on the Upper West Side. Today only, 10am to 6pm.

Near the world famous Zabar’s,



and a block away from this place,


and here’s the neighborhood.

upper west side map

If you’re in the area, please visit. Perhaps buy my book, chat, etc.

Maybe offer to cover my table for a few minutes so I can take a bathroom break.

It’s the least you can do.

And I’m open. Singulus Books at the Brooklyn Book Festival


Big day tomorrow…

So, tomorrow’s the big day. Just checked the projected attendance for this year’s Brooklyn Book Festival. Approximately 40,000 visitors.

(Gulp, heart rate increases)

As an unofficial vendor bum-rushing the event, I am trying to decide where to set up the Singulus Books table.


 I’m thinking near the subway entrances, charging stations, or food trucks.

Thoughts? Suggestions? Leave a comment.




Practicing the setup / breakdown:

Singulus Books – before



Singulus Books (stocked with 100 paperbacks) – after



Brooklyn Book Festival





The Brooklyn Book Festivalhttp://www.brooklynbookfestival.org/ ) is on 9/21/14, with bookend events from 9/15 to 9/21.

Here’s the official description:

“The Brooklyn Book Festival, on Sunday, September 21, 2014, is a huge, free public event presenting an array of literary stars and emerging authors who represent the exciting world of literature today. One of America’s premier literary and literacy events, this hip, smart, diverse gathering attracts thousands of booklovers of all ages. The festival is organized around themed readings and devoted to timely and lively panel discussions. The inclusion of top national and international authors and new partners has expanded the festival’s reach while continuing to celebrate and enhance Brooklyn’s contemporary and historic literary reputation.”

Singulus Books and I will have a table there, guerrilla style of course. The prep work is done: have my Square credit card reader, banners, promotional items, folding table and chair, and 100 copies of my novel, Dream Brother. Should be a great event. If you are there, please stop by and say hello.

Dream Brother: A Novel, now available on BarnesAndNoble.com

The paperback version of Dream Brother is now available on BarnesAndNoble.com



Dream Brother: A Novel, now on Smashwords…

For you non-kindle users, Dream Brother: A Novel is now on Smashwords, premium catalog approved.

EPUB, MOBI, PDF, RTF, LRF, PDB, TXT Formats available.

Post No Bills? Yeah, right. Guerrilla Marketing for the Indie Author.

Guerrilla Marketing


The term was coined by Jay Conrad Levinson back in 1984, referring to Guerrilla Warfare, the use of unconventional methods in battle. Used by big companies with large budgets and individuals with limited funds, Guerrilla marketing is an effective strategy.

As Indie authors, we can’t just self-publish, sit back, and wait for the sales to come in. The book will not sell itself. It won’t. We have to sell it, and by any means necessary. Guerrilla marketing compliments the Indie author. It’s low cost with room for ingenuity.

Now, I can’t tell all the ways to Guerrilla market, but what I can tell you is that you should. Without a doubt.

You’ll need some ideas, some help, and some perseverance.

The basics. Here’s some must haves: a professional website, a blog, a Goodreads author profile, a Facebook page, and a Twitter account. The last two should be author only accounts, no tweets about tv shows or status updates about your cats or what you’re having for dinner in between book promo posts. It’s bad form. No one will take you seriously.

In addition to social media and blogging, there’s contests, email blasts, giveaways, stickers, bookmarks, business cards, flyers, t-shirts, bumper stickers, car magnets, linking up with reporters/media, connecting with the community via events, and pairing up with other indie authors. Enlist some friends, utilize a street team. There’s so many more possible ways. You’re a writer, be creative.

Tip: Don’t be shy, get in people’s faces, in a good way. The introverted author must become the extroverted promoter.

For me, I’m fortunate. I live in a city of over 8 million people. No matter where you are, city or country or somewhere in the middle, there’s people, there’s readers, there’s buyers. Go, Guerrilla market, sell yourself and your book, stand out.

I bum rush Facebook groups and Goodreads forums. A few get pissed off, but mostly I get a large number of responses. I give business cards (book cover on one side, web info on back) to people I see reading books. I regularly put qr code stickers in bookstore bathrooms all over New York City. I have a lady friend hit up the women’s stalls. I won’t divulge any more tactics, some are mildly illegal and I won’t incriminate myself.

Gather your weapons. Rally your troops.

This is war.
